FAQ: Before starting
We have many clients who work full time and have successfully integrated Metabolic Balance into their daily lives. It is often also a question of willpower and organization.
- For example, you can bring meals to the office in a Tupperware (e.g. salads).
- If you can scoop your own food in a canteen, it is not so difficult to put together a Metabolic Balance compatible meal.
- Almost every restaurant also has a fitness plate.
A typical Metabolic Balance meal (e.g. meat/fish/poultry with vegetables/salad), can certainly serve as a basis for the whole family. Certain side dishes, sauces, desserts are then taboo at best, or simply only possible for the children/husband/wife.
Cheat meal
After 3 weeks you are allowed to have a cheat meal once a week, where you can eat and drink whatever you want. You can use this for example when you go to a restaurant or have an invitation.
From the blood analysis it can be seen if there are nutrient deficiencies that prevent optimal functioning of the metabolism. These deficiencies can then be eliminated in a targeted manner with appropriate foods (personal food list).
Further, data about your person, diseases, medications and food dislikes are also taken into account for the individual plan creation.
This depends on gender, age, degree of excess weight, etc. and is extremely difficult to predict. Men (comparable to other parameters) often lose weight faster than women.
You can expect to lose about 1 kg per week. At the beginning this can be more, and as you approach the target weight, less.
The speed is not the most important thing, rather that the kilos constantly tumble and that the end result is sustainable.
Some additional insurance packages ('Zusatzversicherung') will participate in the cost of Metabolic Balance.
We are generally recognized by health insurances.
If nutritionism ('Ernährungsberatung') is covered by your health insurance, this does not automatically mean that Metabolic Balance is also covered, as both are considered independent methods.
If your health insurance only covers the costs of nutritional advice ('Ernährungsberatung'), please contact us and we will find a solution for you.
More about cost coverage by health insurances.
- making your metabolism work optimally. This is the prerequisite for optimally burning energy.
- favouring a high-protein diet with a low glycemic load (GL) which helps prevent the yo-yo effect.
- getting you used to the "time afterwards" early on in the program. This is done by carefully adding "new" food and carbohydrates and seeing how it affects your body.
- keeping to a few simple and practicable rules even after reaching your target weight.
No. Basically, everything is allowed again, it's just a matter of quantity, or how often you should eat certain foods.
The idea of ​​Metabolic Balance is that you learn and, above all, also find out what is good for you and what is not.
Equipped with a few basic rules and strategies that you can learn from us, you should be able to maintain your desired weight in the future and avoid a yo-yo effect.
We recommend having the blood analysis done in a laboratory, which is easier and faster. Normally, during opening hours, you can visit a medical lab and get a blood sample taken without making an appointment. Please do not forget to mention that you need the blood values ​​for Metabolic Balance and that we (metabolic4you) sent you.
Alternatively, you can have your sample taken by your GP (not recommended), if they agree. In this case, take the blood analysis form with you. We need ALL of the blood values.
Please do not eat 12 hours before (only pure water allowed).
Vegetarian: If you eat at least one kind of animal protein (eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.) that's no problem at all.
Vegan: Unfortunately, a Metabolic Balance nutritional plan cannot be created for vegans. Separately, Ms. Gehrig also offers vegan nutrition plans.
No. Unfortunately, Metabolic Balance nutritional plans are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
The program can only be started after weaning.
No, unfortunately not... The region of the body where you lose or gain weight (first) is especially genetically determined.
If you lose weight, you will also lose weight there (sooner or later). When and how much this happens is determined by your body itself.
You can find more information about this in our blog article under "Kann man Bauchfett weg trainieren?".
FAQ: During the program
Generally, everything is a matter of organisation and it is much more feasible than you might expect at first glance.
Phase 2 without oil: If you are in Phase 2 without oil, it is admittedly a little more difficult, but many hotels / restaurants will prepare food according to your specifications, if you ask when ordering.
Phase 2 with oil, phase 3: If you can serve yourself, many cafeterias (work places and supermarkets e.g. Migros, Coop, etc.) offer self-service options, just try to take the amounts / portions of food you have become accustomed to.
"Fitness servings" or "Fitnessteller" are always a good idea and come very close to a metabolic meal. A good portion of protein (meat, poultry, etc.) with lots of vegetables / salad (without fatty cream sauces but perhaps with an oil/balsamic dressing for the salad).
Preparing food at home and taking it with you: A salad with chickpeas, for example, can be quickly prepared and transported easily in a food storage container.
If you are served a set menu that you were not able to select, simply leave the unwanted side dishes (e.g. rice) or sauces (i.e. scrap off the cream sauce). Before and after the meal, drink a lot of water and if necessary omit the additional bread / fruit on this day.
More exercise and sport is generally a positive thing and should be maintained, or if you do too little, increased. Sport is also good, after you reach your target weight (Phase 4), for controlling and maintaining your weight.
Too much physical exercise can negatively impact your stamina. The magic words here are "with measure“. Participate in exercise gently, particularly in the first 2 weeks, when your body also has to adapt to a changed diet.
A combination of strength and endurance training would be ideal. If you have to choose one of them (for reasons of time, for example), then more strength training. Strength training builds muscle, more muscle also means a higher metabolic rate, i.e. you will burn more energy, even when your body is at rest. Last but not least: choose something that you enjoy too!
--> More exciting background information about "Metabolic Balance uns Sport" (in German) .- Lunch -> Dinner: + 10 g
- Dinner -> Lunch: - 10 g
Lunch: 130g of poultry, 135g of vegetables in the evening looks like this:
Dinner: 140g poultry, 145g vegetables
Dinner: 95g of cheese, 135g of vegetables at lunch time looks like:
Lunch: 85g cheese, 125g vegetables
Wholegrain ryebread:
Available in health food shops, at the market, Coop, Migros / Alnatura or bake yourself - that tastes best!
Wholegrain rye crispbreads:
All fresh or dried herbs (such as parsley, basil, sage, rosemary, chives, etc.) are OK, including garlic, horseradish, salt, pepper, mustard powder, ginger, curry powder, cinnamon (1 pinch of cinnamon is, for example, well suited to spicing up yogurt ). 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or pure balsamic vinegar per salad is also allowed.
Unsuitable products include Aromat (a Swiss product), ketchup, chutneys, mustard (from the tube) and other off-the-shelf seasonings, condiments, or barbecue spices.
Kelpamare, a seasoning sauce from A. Vogel, contains vegetable iodine from the algae kelp, good if you use salt without iodine:
Black tea, green tea, white tea and rooibos tea are allowed.
Fruit teas and all tea blends are unsuitable. The reason for this is that they could trigger hunger.
- Cooking at a high temperature > 220 C? --> Coconut oil, ghee (clarified butter)
- Heating up to 220 C, max 10 min.? --> high heat olive oil, peanut oil
- Cold dishes? --> cold pressed olive oil, sesame oil, avocado oil
It is important that you use a bouillon that contains no additional fat, flavour enhancer (monosodium glutamate) or e-substances.
We recommend Nullkommanull bio vegetable broth (10% discount with code: metabolic4you), Demeter Sekowa vegetable broth powder, Morga no-fat vegetable broth, Morga vegetable Himalayan salt broth, or Morga soya cubes - all available at health food shops or online.
Legumes, frozen foods or canned food
Information in the plan always refers to the dry weight. E.g. with legumes take double of the weight if they are soaked or come from the can or the glass.
Frozen foods
Meat, Poultry, Fish: Weigh 25g more. Meat, poultry and fish should be thawed before further processing. Since this creates 'thawing water', which is poured away, more should be weighed.
Fruits and vegetables
Here the quantities stay the same. Most of the fruits and vegetables are not thawed before, so that the "thawing water" does not arise or remains in court. Therefore it is not necessary to increase the quantities.