metabolic balance basel

Metabolic Balance Basel

Looking for a Metabolic Balance coach in Basel? We have successfully helped over 6057+ clients to achieve their desired weight and offer you the opportunity to do Metabolic Balance, very centrally located in the old town of Basel, 7 minutes from the SBB train station.

Alternatively, you can have your appointments via video (e.g. WhatsApp or Zoom).

Metabolic Balance Coaching in Basel - now flexible via video

There is currently no on-site coach available in Basel. Instead, all appointments can be made flexibly via video.

Your advantages:

  • No need to travel - saves time and money.
  • Flexibility when it comes to appointments, even if you have a tight schedule.
  • The same professional coaching and individual advice as if you were in person.
  • Ideal for people who live further away or have a busy schedule.

Testimonials Basel

Tolle Sache und sehr gute Beratung, und ich habe mein Wunschgewicht erreicht, ich kann es nur empfehlen...
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Michel Kilchherr
Mit Unterbrechung jetzt doch schon 16 Kilo in 15 Wochen. Bin total happy dass endlich Mal was funktioniert. Nur zu empfehlen!!! Danke! 🙂
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Sabrina Mohler
Ich bin sehr gut beraten worden und bis jetzt sehr zufrieden
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Martina Kiefer
top Beratung, top Lage und eine kompetente Beraterin
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Nicole Kaps
Top Service
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Nicolas Kämpfen
More Testimonials


Leonhardsstrasse 51
4051 Basel

Tel. 076 468 22 66

Opening hours

Mo-Fr 09.00-20.00, Sa 10.00-14.00

How to find us

Public transport: 7 min from Basel SBB by bus 30.
Parking: Car park Steinen, 5 min walk to the practice.

Contact us

    Where can you find Metabolic Balance compatible food in Basel?

    Markets in Basel

    City market (Tue-Thu: 07-14h, Fri/Sat: 07-18h)
    Markthalle (Mon: 9-17h, Tue/Wed: 9-23h, Thu: 9-01h, Fri/Sat: 9-02h, So: 9-17h)
    Matthäusmarkt (Sat: 08-13h)
    St. Johannsmarkt, Vogesenplatz (Thu: 16-21h, Sat: 9-14h)
    Märt am Tellplatz (Sat: 08-13h)
    Dienstagsmarkt Rütimeyerplatz (farmers market; Tue: 8:30-11:30h)
    Breitemarkt (Sat: 8-13h)
    Wettsteinmarkt (Wed: 15-19h)
    Markets in Riehen (e.g. Fri: 8-13:30h)

    Health Food Shops (Reformhäuser)

    Health Food Shops (Reformhäuser)/Drugstores/Pharmacies in Basel with according supply.


    In larger branches of e.g. Migros or Coop you usually find a lot of fresh, unprocessed food without additives. Find out more on this also in our FAQ's.

    More about Metabolic Balance