Metabolic Balance Chur
Looking for a Metabolic Balance coach in Chur? We have successfully helped over 6057+ clients to achieve their desired weight and offer you the opportunity to do Metabolic Balance, very centrally located in the old town of Chur, 8 minutes on foot from the train station.
Alternatively, you can have your appointments via video (e.g. WhatsApp or Zoom).
Metabolic Balance Coaching in Chur - now flexible via video
There is currently no on-site coach available in Chur. Instead, all appointments can be made flexibly via video.
Your advantages:
- No need to travel - saves time and money.
- Flexibility when it comes to appointments, even if you have a tight schedule.
- The same professional coaching and individual advice as if you were in person.
- Ideal for people who live further away or have a busy schedule.
Testimonials Chur
More TestimonialsAddress
metabolic4you GmbH
Gemeinschaftspraxis 1. Stock
Storchengasse 7
7000 Chur
E-Mail: info@metabolic4you.ch
Tel. 076 468 22 66
How to find us
Public transport: City bus, stop "Postplatz.
Parking: Car park City or Quader.